Mural Art
Why I do it:
I absolutely LOVE painting on walls…inside and outside. It warms my heart and creative soul that so much community art is being included on everything from bus stops to huge common walls that everyone can enjoy.
It contributes to the visual richness of the community and is such a wonderful investment. If you love my work and would like a painting or mural please contact me to discuss your ideas…
The Process:
It begins with you enjoying my style of art and an idea or a story to tell. I like to come and see the place where you have in mind for the painting and we would discuss your ideas. Its my job to help you figure out what you'd like and make it come to life. Some people have a clear picture in their mind, others have a concept and would like me to take it from there. I am Ok with either way and together we would begin to tell the story.
I would usually ask if you have a budget in mind...I think everyone has some idea what they would like to spend. It helps me figure out how much time I can put into the painting. To explain it further...I can spend a few days, a week or 6 months on a painting, depending on the budget.
If we have a bit more in the kitty, it changes things like shading and making something look more realistic...Anyhoo I make the conversation about the budget easy and comfortable and we will sort it out together.
I do have a per square metre charge, which can also help.
I would then do a drawing or a storyboard of ideas and at each stage of the mural I would check in with you to make sure we are on the same page. Some people like to have a drawing of exactly what I am going to do, others are happy with a concept and leave it up to me. I find it often ends up being a bit of both and it works!
I have included a few of the murals that I have created and LOVE!
Please don't hesitate to message me with any queries.
Private Residence, Greenmount WA March 2022
My lovely client gave me a reasonably broad brief with a few examples of murals that she'd found on the net, that she resonated with.
All I had to do was spend a little bit of time, over a cuppa, to take in how she had decorate her home and to get an idea of her colour palette.
I actually got Chrissie to go the local paint store and intuitively choose several colours that she loved...and those were the ones we used.
Throughout the process I checked in with her on a daily basis to make sure we were on the same page. A lot of this imagery has a very personal meaning for my client and so makes the painting even more important to her.
Often plans can change throughout the process and I am always open to that.
Turned out fabulous!
Durham Road School Indoor Pool Completed February 2022
This mural holds a special place in my heart... school for the special needs and the pool is such an important part of the children day.
My brief from the principle was " I want the kids to look at the painting and say...hey thats us".
I hope you love it as I do.
Wagin, Western Australia Big Ram Park January 2022
The shire commissioned this mural at the Big Ram park as everyone travelling through Wagin would often stop here. The ablution block certainly needed a make over. They had asked me to reflect a mural all that what is Wagin.
I had quite a-lot of free range to paint what I liked but I constantly checked in with shire to see if I was on the right track and that they were worked well.
I fell in love with Wagin while I was there. Its a beautiful little town with warm and friendly people. The landscape is so Australian and I had visitors the whole time I was there. The children had the best reaction and I'm sure the mural contributes to being another reason to take a break from travelling and enjoy the park.
Private Commission in Residential House, Dianella March 2022
My client had a very clear vision on what she wanted on her wall. I was really her way of getting that painting, (as she saw it in her minds eye) up there!
I loved that and was more than happy to paint exactly what she wanted. I added my twist here and there but nothing happened without Anna's approval and OK.
She loved it and even had a "mural launch" where 50 of her friends came over and she turned it into a fundraiser with a "meet the artist" afternoon tea.
SUCH fun!
My job is amazing.
Footpath Mural November 2019 Commissioned by The Town Of Bassendean
When I visited the proposed site of this footpath mural...there was a very sweet little cafe there with people just hanging out with friends and their kids.
It struck me that we are all also in such a hurry and with the painting being on the footpath, I thought it was a wonderful opportunity to convey a message of hey...lets all just slow down a bit and smell the flowers. I put a little quote in the painted book in the hope that people will stop a moment to read it and take their time to view the mural. It seems to have worked as I get lots of feedback just how much the community has fallen in love with their footpath mural.
Private Residence December 2019
"I wanted something wishful and whimsical yet full of meaning, and while I came up with the concept, Sharon had the tough task of bringing it to life". (Kelly)
Dandelions can thrive in difficult conditions and symbolise the ability to rise above life's challenges. Feathers represent a connection to spiritual realms and symbolise the ability to transcend and move beyond our mental barriers and limitations and birds....well they speak for themselves.
This mural is not as easy to show, as it spreads across several walls and corridors. The brief was very specific and I had to work within a team of people. We got there in the end and we all felt the mural does exactly what they wanted it do, which was take their clients on a little journey of discovery while conveying a peaceful scene. It couldn't be overwhelming and visually too much. I enjoyed the challenge of this project immensely and I feel very proud to be involved in helping making a difference to children's lives.
Private residence courtyard painting
My clients really didn't know what they wanted in this space but they knew a mural would work. We sat down and just chatted over a cuppa and I discovered just how much they loved the Australian bush, in particular salmon gums. Sue was originally from Hong Kong and had fallen in love with our native birds. The picture starts to be painted in my mind as they talk and then all of a sudden the concept is right there. I have found that everyone loves to be involved with the designing process and its my job to find out what imagery would they connect with and love to live with and look at every day.
- Woobbridge Primary School Mural 1 2014
Mural 2 Woodbridge Primary School 2015
Well, I had to paint the other side of the wall... I sat down with the headmistress and Mrs. G and asked them what they wished for, for the children while they were there. Well, the words flowed easily and before I know it, I had the mural painting in my minds eye and just what I would do. We included local animals and of course the magpies made a mention as they owned the trees almost.
Mid Century Apartment Fremantle 2018
My client didn't quite know what she'd like on her walls but knew she loved my art. So I just looked around her apartment and asked her about these colourful chairs around the dining table.
They were a favourite and she'd planned to keep them forever. I saw a great clue in them. The colour palette was already in front of us and the design had quite a mid century feel about did her apartment. So I came up with a story board and asked her to trust me...and she did! ( I said anything that didn't work for her...I would change).
We were both absolutely delighted with the end result.
The mural began inside and travelled through to the back patio area
Beverly Arts Centre 2017
I was invited to Beverly W.A. to talk about what sort of mural we could do, to initially provide a visual barrier to a toilet block. I had no idea what I was going to create until we walked around the spaced got talking. We spoke about a very loved community member that had unfortunately had past away suddenly.
She had a-lot to do with the arts centre and it occurred to me the painting could be all about her. I gathered information about this treasured person and together with a good friend of hers and the family, I was able to include elements that told a story... all about her. Every element in the painting has meaning.
In the end it was so much more than a mural to hide an ablution block and became a symbol of what this person meant to a whole community. I loved creating this painting and is very dear to me now. I enjoy working with others to create a piece that is very meaningful and a successful collaboration.

Olive Farm Winery, Swan Valley, Western Australia
This was very much a family business and it was important to portray that sentiment in this commissioned painting. Their kids represented the future and so we decided to make it about them. The dogs were always on the property and very much part of the winery family. They loved to greet the customers and everyone loved them....such characters.
I commissioned Judith Ann (an amazing Perth Calligrapher) to write their story within the mural and it just worked so well.

Accountants Office East Perth 2018
Some may think this is very unlike my style but in fact it was another painting that was right up my alley.
I asked the accountant what they did and he basically said that we take peoples business information and put it all into order. A picture of my my own book keeping style jumped into my head ( emptying a shoe box full of receipts onto his desk...whoops!) and the idea was born.
It had to tell a story and it does, ending with the business mission statement and values. I would hope that clients will be curious while studying the painting and that it makes them think about it's meaning. I really really enjoyed creating this painting and my client was very happy

Private Residence Trigg WA 2018
The Mum of this little girl described her as having so much energy and was really playful. I decided that her bedroom mural could be exactly about her...all that magical energy coming out from the bottom of those busy feet.
The image for his painting came to me instantly. I was very grateful that my client just trusted me to create just the picture for each Childs room. The best part was when the children would come home after school each day and see the progress. I was able to involve them in the process and feeling included made it that bit more personal.
For the second bedroom in this home, her brother was really enjoying his iPad and discovering the games he could play and disappear into for a moment in his day...he loved them!
Private Residence Kensington WA client. She was just SO much fun to work with.
She was VERY clear on what she wanted and how she wanted it to all look...We were the conductor and the musician and it was fabulous!
I still had the important job of interpreting what she could see in her mind and then add my little touches to it.
Just had the best time...